Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Wilson Ong Ching Kian Chuan v CA

Wilson Ong Ching Kian Chuan v CA
[G.R. No. 130360.  August 15, 2001]

·         Petitioner imports vermicelli from China National Cereals Oils and Foodstuffs, based in Beijing, China, under the firm name C.K.C. Trading.  He repacks it in cellophane wrappers with a design of two-dragons and the TOWER trademark on the uppermost portion. 
·         Ong acquired a Certificate of Copyright Registration from the National Library on June 9, 1993 on the said design.
·         Ong filed against Tan a verified complaint for infringement of copyright with damages and prayer for temporary restraining order or writ of preliminary injunction with the RTC-QC.
o   Ong alleged that he was the holder of a Certificate of Copyright Registration over the cellophane wrapper with the two-dragon design, and that Tan used an identical wrapper in his business.  In his prayer for a preliminary injunction in addition to damages, he asked that Tan be restrained from using the wrapper. 
·         Tan filed an opposition alleging that Ong was not entitled to an injunction. 
o   According to Tan, Ong did not have a clear right over the use of the trademark Pagoda and Lungkow vermicelli as these were registered in the name of Ceroilfood Shandong, based in Qingdao, China. 
o   Further, Tan averred that he was the exclusive distributor in the Philippines of the Pagoda and Lungkow vermicelli and was solely authorized to use said trademark. 
o   He added that Ong merely copied the two-dragon design from Ceroilfood Shandong which had the Certificates of Registration issued by different countries. 
o   Private respondent alleges that the trademark PAGODA BRAND was registered in China on October 31, 1979 while the trademark LUNGKOW VERMICELLI WITH TWO-DRAGON DEVICE was registered on August 15, 1985.
·         Trial Court issued a temporary restraining order on the same date the complaint was filed. It likewise issued the writ in Ong’s favor upon his filing of a P100,000.00 bond.
·         CA gave due course and granted the petition. The lower court’s orders, as well as the writ of preliminary injunction, were set aside. Ong filed a MR from which CA modified its decision and made the injunction permanent.

·         W/N the issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction in favor of private respondent was proper?

HELD: Petition is partially granted.  The prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction to prohibit Tan from using the cellophane wrapper with two-dragon device is denied, but the finding of the respondent appellate court that Ong’s copyrighted wrapper is a copy of that of Ceroilfood Shandong is SET ASIDE for being premature. Case was remanded to RTC.

·         A person to be entitled to a copyright must be the original creator of the work.  He must have created it by his own skill, labor and judgment without directly copying or evasively imitating the work of another. The copies of the certificates of copyright registered in the name of Ceroilfood Shandong sufficiently raise reasonable doubt.  With such a doubt, the preliminary injunction asked by Ong against Tan is unavailing.
·         To be entitled to an injunctive writ, petitioner must show, inter alia, the existence of a clear and unmistakable right and an urgent and paramount necessity for the writ to prevent serious damage. In this case, the Court found that petitioner’s right has not been clearly and unmistakably demonstrated. 
·         The Court added it was premature for the CA to declare that the design of petitioner’s wrapper is a copy of the wrapper allegedly registered by Ceroilfood Shandong.  The only issue brought before the CA involved the grave abuse of discretion allegedly committed by the trial court in granting the writ of preliminary injunction, and not on the merits of the infringement case. That matter remains for decision after appropriate proceedings at the trial court.


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